Session 22: Virtual Worlds
Eugenia Ushakov. Symbolic interpretation of modeling internet community problems.
Catherine Einenkel. Emergency Accounts: Narrating Battered Selves Apart and Together
Floris Bernhart "Firmiliarizing" the Hole in the
Wall: Between Firm and Family in a Corner Bar.
Session 23: Music and Rituals
Jan Kühn. The production of electronic dance music in home recording studios.
Joe Kotarba & Nicolas J. Lalone. The Reflexive Effects of Music on Revolution.
Viola Abermet. Doing Family: On the Ritual Production of a Traveling Show Troupe.
Session 24: Culture and Everyday Life
Aghasi Tadevosyan. Everyday life and some aspects of cultural transitions in the post-Soviet period. The case of the capital city of Armenia
Umut Savac. Muslim migrants in Germany: Ethnographic insights into everyday practices.
Therese Lützelberger. Cultural differences in the transition to adulthood. meanings of residential independence during education in Italy and Germany.
Session 25
Ludmilla Petruhan. Imaginative construction of social work theory by Mary Richmond.
Andrea Salvini. The concept of social capital from a symbolic interactionist perspective.
Jessica Wilde. Why objects want to be taken
seriously, too: On how to do actor-network